How to install google maps pokemon challenge

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How to install google maps pokemon challenge
How to install google maps pokemon challenge
Original Title: How to install google maps pokemon challenge

Apr 13, if you are a fan of pok 233; mon and use google maps you may have noticed that. Maybe i need ics or higher for it to install a higher version of google maps. Nevertheless google maps app has been updated with that.

For april fools day this year, google has created a video advertising an augmented reality pok 233; mon game loosely tied into google maps. This code was put into a new file and uploaded to our server. Do not operate the pok 233; mon challenge in google maps while driving or. Go with maps, the official app you can rely on for real time gps navigation, traffic, transit, and details about millions of places, such as. Google has updated its maps app with pokemon.

That was 2 galaxy nexus put together. On april 1, a google maps app update will be available to install. And while it may seem like an april fools joke, it s true: launch the app, hit the search bar, mar 31, google partnered with nintendo and pok 233; mon to create a new google maps challenge for april fools day.